Our Password: 21st Century Skills
Events: programming on the paper, secrets, music, dance. Enjoy!
Boards on the corridor
Bicycle tours to the Danube
Imagination and creativity
of '9 May Europe Day'
EURÓPA-NAP az európai béke és egység ünnepe. Ezen a napon a történelmi jelentőségű "Schuman-nyilatkozat" évfordulóját ünnepeljük. Robert Schuman francia külügyminiszter 1950. május 9-én Párizsban olyan új politikai és gazdasági együttműködést vázolt fel Európa számára, amely lehetetlenné teszi a háborút a kontinens országai között. Schuman új európai intézmény felállítását szorgalmazta abból a célból, hogy az összefogja és irányítsa a kontinens országainak szén- és acéltermelését. Az intézményt létrehozó szerződés aláírására egy évvel később került sor. A mai Európai Unió kialakulását a Schuman-javaslattól számítjuk.
EUROPE DAY is a celebration of peace and unity in Europe. On this day we celebrate the anniversary of the historic "Schuman Declaration." On 9 May 1950, in Paris, French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman outlined a new political and economic cooperation for Europe that might allow war between the countries of the continent. Schuman called for the establishment of a new European institution to bring together and manage coal and steel production in the countries of the continent. The contract for the establishment of the institution was signed a year later. The formation of today's European Union dates back to the Schuman proposal.
Games about EU member or not, capitals, money
Skill Applications That Can Be Developed In Students Within the Scope of Lifelong Learning
Quiver project
Safer Internet Day - 2021
Safer Internet Day was February 9, 2021. At the Belvárosi School, we make this topic during IT and library classes this week. Our goal is to raise awareness of the benefits and dangers of the Internet. We already talked about the internet in first grade. We also watched short films. From the 3rd grade, by clicking on the links to one of the school's websites, the students solved playful tasks, which focused on the World Wide Web - its advantages, disadvantages and harmful effects. In our Erasmus program, we paid special attention and provided knowledge on the topic of cyberbullying. We reviewed the correct behaviour in the online space with the students, and if any of them are affected by the ones listed above, what can they do, who can they turn to, or. what is the right behaviour in such a situation.
For another, we focused on conscious internet use in a quiz on another website, hipersuli.
Using the knowledge learned, they also played a board game in which students can identify the most common online risks and how to deal with emergencies. The Snakes and Ladders board game on the knowledge cards required the children to answer questions about safe internet use and so they could move on the board game board, which is available to anyone on saferinternet.
The other board game is the Like Hunter, which we got from the International Child Rescue Service. The game encourages students to use online technologies safely.
In summary, students need knowledge, to systematize it on this topic, because we want to know them safely in the world of the Internet as well.
Greeting cards - Click on the picture. - 09.12.2020
Code Week 2020 Here - Skilled games
Walking Day - 07-10-2020
Our Password: 21st Century Skills - we won!
Ez a projekt a 21. századi készségeket fejleszti 5 partneriskolával együtt. Tervezzünk együtt emlémát és posztert a projektnek!
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