The first meeting - Első találkozás


The first meeting was in Kalocsa, Hungary.


Kalocsai Fényi Gyula Általános Iskola - Belvárosi Általános Iskolája

Contact Person, organiser: Annamaria Toth 

1st December 2020 - Sunday

We met at the airport. We went together to Kalocsa.

2nd December 2020 - Monday

9.00 In the school - first meeting together - presentations.

10.00 In the mayor office - met with mayor and the others.

10.30 - 18.00 We went to the village program. 

3rd December 2020 - Tuesday

9.00 In the school - following introduce

10.00 Viski Károly Múzeum - Folk museum 

12.00 Lunch -at the museum

14.00 School - hand working - Christmas ornaments

15.00 Ginger bread making

4rd December 2020 - Wednesday

9.00 In the school - following introduce

10.00 Water cleaning factory

11.10 Hand working Chinese factory 

12.00 Schöffer museum 

14.00 School - Orienteering activity

15.00 Freeing room on Internet

5th December 2020 - Thursday

9.00 Material-Plastik Kft. visiting this factory

14:00 Archbishop's library, Cathedral, Kalocsa Museum 

17.00 Meeting with folk dance group

6th December 2020 - Friday

9.00 Went to Budapest

12.00 Bank of Danube

7th December 2020 - Saturday

9.00 Sightseeing in Budapest.

12.30 Parliament 

14.00 Buda - Castle, Fisherman bastion, Mathias church, educational path, Gül baba turbe

16.00 Free time - Váci street

8th December 2020 - Sunday

The groups went home.

Have a good tme!

© 2016 Kalocsa, Szent István király út 12-14.
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